
The Service provides the town of Manacor Valley

The duties of the service are all related, both in supply and in sanitation and rain with

- Installation, maintenance, fault repairs and renovation of facilities and pipelines.
- Water quality, both chemical analysis and treatment and legal information in front of Health.
- Rat killing insect and sanitation networks.
-Customer Management: meter reading and billing, maintenance and renewal of the same, customer service, new connections, high, low
Service - 24 hour guard against emergency warnings or failures subscribers.
- Management with other agencies regarding legalization and documentation required.

The Municipal Water Service Selva, currently has two water catchments and groundwater birth.

* FONT DE MASSANELLA: The source of the Prado is also known as the Fountain Massanella natural source of water and where begins the well known 'channel Massanella'; an amazing journey along a path that runs alongside the canal that leads to the possession Massanella, near the town of Manacor Valley, about 7 kms. away from the source.

* POU SA VINYASSA: consists of a well capture a snapshot of extraction total of 23 m3/hour, which is 552 m3, sufficient capacity to meet current consumer demands. Through a network of water transport about 6 km in length starting from a header tank located in Santa Lucia, supplies water to the town of Manacor Valley. Currently the water distribution network in this town serves a total of 714 subscribers ..